How Much Will I Make From TikTok Royalties?

How Much Will I Make From TikTok Royalties? I learned the insignificance of TikTok plays for music royalties after one of my tracks was featured in multiple TikToks totaling over twenty million “views” or “spins.” In early May of 2020, I realized that one of my tracks had been viewed on TikTok over 20 million times in the prior four months. As you would expect I was surprised, doubtful, elated, cautiously optimistic, then finally cynical about what sort of royalties might follow. Most musician

3 Ways You Are Missing Out On Your Music Royalties—And How To Fix It!

1. Most Musicians aren’t familiar with the music business terminology or concepts they need to be. 2. Most musicians don’t know where to find their song metadata or what to do with it. 3. Most musicians are unaware of what the royalty collection agencies are, and what they collect. There is a tremendous amount of confusion today about how musicians get music royalties from having their work played, purchased, or streamed online. Most artists tend to think only as far as registering their musi